About the Business
Does your home or workplace have “weird vibes?”
Do you ever feel “off” when you are in certain areas of your home or workplace?
Have you, or has someone close to you, ever experienced a major conflict, illness, life change, or loss?
What about technology or utility issues, freak accidents, unwelcome visitors, or theft?
Are you trying to manifest the next best thing in your life or career?
Do you find yourself wishing for a space that feels comfortable, functional, and supportive?
Perhaps you enjoy your current space, but it’s starting to feel a bit stagnant…need a refresh?
Dream World Spaces addresses all of these situations — and many others — through comprehensive energy work within your environment. Whether it’s an old house, new home, creepy apartment, recent or prospective remodel, office workplace or outdoor area, Dream World Spaces provides a unique healing experience for everyday places and the people who live and work there.
About the Owner
My name is Alexandra, though many people call me Xandra. Take your pick! I believe that energy is everything. Realizing the interconnected nature of the universe set me on a path of deep spiritual healing long ago. Someone recently told me that I embody the “Wounded Healer” archetype, and that tracks for me. Thankfully, my wounds have now become my gifts, and I bring firsthand experience of what has helped me to every client session. As a long-time practitioner and certified teacher of yoga and meditation I am firmly grounded in spiritual practice, which has evolved and grown stronger over many years. It’s hard to say exactly when I discovered my abilities to work with energy in a practical way, but I know that this is a gift I must share with others. For years I have explored various ways of working with energy and have developed keen skills to help others elevate their own vibrational frequency. Of course, it all starts within, and I make sure to tend to my own energy and spiritual/physical/mental/emotional health on a daily basis. I have come to understand that physical spaces, just like people, carry their own energy frequency (or “vibes”, if you will). These spaces can, and do affect us, for better or worse. We all know the experience of entering a space that feels “good” or “bad”. On the flip side, people’s own energy can also affect the energy of a place. I work on both planes, which is why my offerings cover spaces and clients alike.
Part of my purpose in this life is to become a clear channel through which universal energy can flow. The other part is to conduct that energy effectively in accordance with spiritual principles. My mission with Dream World Spaces is to neutralize, harmonize, and energize everyday spaces so that they feel supportive and conducive to the lives and dreams of the people who use them. All I have ever wanted is to make this world a better place. This is one way I believe I can do that. My methods are tried-and-true, gentle yet powerful. There is truly no limit to the possibilities of how this work can positively impact your life. It certainly has for me and my loved ones. Now, it’s your turn to experience it for yourself. It is my duty, honor, and privilege to work with open-minded individuals who are willing to receive the benefits of these offerings. Together we can, and will, create our dream world.
If you still want to learn more about me, you can visit my personal website mindful-muse.me